
Improve your skills

Proper knowledge is the key to successfull method development and efficient trouble shooting.

We offer a range of trainings, focussed on the practical application of the common theory, combined with more than 30 years of experience.

Trainings are given on location.

Who should attend?

Everyone involved in (bio) analytical work, who needs more background information, or usefull tips and tricks, can participate. A relevant laboratory education is preferred, even as some practical laboratory experience.

Each item covers approximately half a day (4 hours).

For more information click here.

Available trainings

Click on image for more information and course details

Gradient Chromatogram


Practical use of chromatographic theory.
This training focussus on a basic chromatographic understanding, reversed phase chromatography and HILIC. Chromatographic examples are demonstrated by a unique simulation software application.
Customization to meet your needs or to highlight special cases, is possible.

LLE Distribution 1

Liquid-Liquid Extraction

As one of the oldest sample preparation techniques, especially in bioanalytical methods, LLE is still a versatile and selective way to cleanup and concentrate your samples.
This training focusses on the proper setup of an extraction, and how to affect the selectivity.

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Solid Phase Extraction

Solid phase extraction is a very versatile technique. It may be difficult to select the proper column or method.
This training reduces the need to screen many different columns. It focusses on the development of a selective method, using a pre-selected type of sorbent.

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Statistics and Validation

Discover the misty world of statistics and learn to implement it's power in your daily laboratory work and method validation.